Fungicide Application

Lawn Fungus Treatment in Ann Arbor

Ensure Your Lawn’s Well-Being with
Proven Fungus Control

Fungi can damage or kill grass when left untreated. Good Guys will apply a professional-grade lawn fungicide and mold treatment that prevents and stops the spread of fungal disease on your lawn. Our safe and effective fungicide treats all common fungal diseases found in our region.

Fungal diseases can spread quickly on even the best-maintained lawns. Once a fungus gets in your lawn, eliminating the disease and fixing the lawn require a substantial investment in time and money. That’s why letting the professionals apply an effective and preventive lawn fungus control treatment that kills the fungus is best. Managing grass fungus treatment is another factor in maintaining the best lawn on the block.

We Treat All Fungi
Found in Our Area

The most common grass fungi in Michigan include the dollar spot, brown patch, red thread, rust and summer patch. How do you know if your lawn has a fungus problem? Look for patches of dying or discolored grass, brown spots, and powdery or slimy growth on blades of grass.

Let the Good Guys treat your lawn fungi diseases. We’re at your service — ready to battle the fungus among us, so you don’t have to!

How Long Is Your Weekend To-Do List?

Let us help you enjoy your lawn and take back your weekend.